Category Archives: Art commentary

Invitation to my next exhibition

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Exhibition in the new year!

WE 3, 2 ACRES AND A DONKEY Coming soon…………watch this space Here’s one of the images WE 111 ( 1.5 meters wide by 2 meters high)

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On the washline

Hanging up to view, ‘2 Acres and a Donkey’, a painting/drawing 5 meters long by 1 and a half high. Ink, acrylic, rabbit skin glue and oils on cloth.

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insights/conversations growing out of drawing

Adding colour to another depressing but strangely satisfyingly shaped haul of washed-up trash. Why I like these battered shapes…something lodging in the primitive brain, I suspect. Perhaps a kind of gestalt. I move closer and closer to the two greats … Continue reading

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Practicing scales before the big day

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An exhibition in waiting

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Noospheric Nights – A poem

The post below is illustrated with 2 paintings that are currently listed on my website under the heading Paintings and will be on exhibition at 6 Spin Street, Cape Town, for the month of October. The opening is on 5 … Continue reading

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Exhibition of new paintings: noospheric* nights

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Opening of Exhibition at 6 Spin Street


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Artist’s statement

For Ulrich who would have been here like a shot and whom I am going to miss forever. Everything’s a story. My life, a myriad of stories trailing behind me: childhood, MA in Fine Art, my husband and two sons, … Continue reading

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